That's the word. it's what i want to be. it's what i am. The first meaning of the word Becoming is
something that often consumes me- the desire for it anyway. The idea of being physically attractive, as in "that young lady is very becoming..." it's so easy to get dragged down by this feeling that i am failing to meet some- often unreasonable- physical standard of outer beauty put upon me by my culture- and more
importantly- myself. What i should be focusing much of that energy into is the other kind of Becoming- the verb. The process of change- change into the woman God wants me to be.this can include change in the physical realm- i do need to be healthier and take better care of my body- but not at the expense of change in my heart, my mind and the way i spend my time. these are the main things i truly need to BECOME:
- more faithful- i need to spend more time- or spend time more often with my heavenly Father seeking to become the woman he has created me to be.
- More selfless- i need to look out for the needs of others more- particularly those of my husband.
- more focused- to take care of the needs of the household and myself before having fun- and not allowing myself to become sidetracked.time wasting is a huge issue.
these three things tie together in the way i spend my time. as a housewife, it is easy to just let the day go by, whether i am watching television, reading blogs, talking on an
IM client.... these things are not bad uses of time in and of themselves, but spending my whole day at them is really not profitable.
my life is beginning to fill with social outlets, activities, moving plans, etc., and i cannot allow myself to
just let these days pass. purpose is of the essence and the only way to live without regret. today is Monday, the beginning of a new week, one in which i am determined to start anew and make the most of every moment.
Abba Father~
you are truly amazing. you woke me earlier even than
I'd planned. You drew me to this desire for purpose- to become more. Thank you for this. thanks for all
You bless me with every day, family, friends, LIFE!
today i ask special blessings on Scott as he goes to work. he's really not feeling well, and i ask that you'll heal him and enable him to do the best he can at his job. i ask
that you will keep him from any temptations, that you will give him a sense of your presence and that he will be a light for you to those he meets in just his interactions. i pray for those i know whose marriages have recently ended, that you'll really show them a sense of your presence in their lives, give
them wisdom, strength, and the knowledge of your love. for those whose marriages are struggling, i ask for healing, for a closer- or
new found- walk with you, and perseverance. for all other marriages i ask blessings of
continued strength, continued growth and a
relationship with you. i ask for healing for all that are ill right now. Father, there are so many things people are struggling with that i don't even know. please bless them and hold them all in your hands.
for myself,
Abba, i ask the strength of body, mind, and will to be productive today. help me to manage my time in a way that allows me to get the most done while i recover from
illness and prepare to move. let me be a source of your light to others in how i love them today. please use me to glorify yourself.